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Fermented Pickles


  • pickling cucumbers for this recipe I used 16, but the crock can handle more
  • one bunch of dill
  • 8 cloves of garlic peeled
  • handful of peppercorns
  • 3 tablespoons of salt


  • Rinse your pickles and place them in the fermenting crock.
  • Add the dill, peeled garlic, peppercorns and salt.
  • Add water to cover the pickles and place the weights on top to keep everything at least an inch below the water level.
  • Add your lid and fill the trough with water to create an air lock.
  • Your pickles should be ready in 4 to 7 days!


For these pickles I wanted to do a wild ferment, so I only used salt. I probably could have added whey or another starter, but I wanted to ferment them wild, just like the sauerkraut.