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Fermented Dilly Kohlrabi Pickles

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Fermented Dilly Kohlrabi Pickles - www.ohlardy.com

I got so much kohlrabi this summer, I was over loaded!  I didn't know what to do with it all!

And, if you know Oh Lardy, you know we ferment anything!  So why not make fermented kolrabi!!!

We got quite a bit in our CSA boxes.  I also ended up with extra after teaching a fermenting class and overestimating how much I needed!

What to do with it all was the big question!

Usually I eat kohlrabi peeled and sliced…just raw and plain.  Sometimes I squeeze a little fresh lime and sprinkle good sea salt on top.  It is deliciously crunchy and refreshing, sort of reminds me of a cross between jicama, a salad turnip and a water chestnut.

Since I had kohlrabi coming out of my ears at one point.  I was inspired to try some new ways to eat it.

Do you have any idea what kohlrabi is?

Kohlrabi is a round, tuberous vegetable and is a member of the brassica family…a relative of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and brussels sprouts.   It is quite a weird looking vegetable, especially when the leaves have been removed!

KohlrabiKohlrabi is rich in vitamin C and fiber, yet low in calories.  While most people eat the tuberous bulb, the leaves can also be eaten, cooked in similar fashion to beet or turnip greens.  The leaves are very healthful and full of carotenes, vitamin A, vitamin K, minerals, and B-complex group of vitamins.

So, what should I do with this interesting vegetable?  Well, you know Oh Lardy loves fermented foods and all the benefits that eating them brings.  I thought I would try some fermenting techniques on the kohlrabi.

One new recipe I made was the fermented beet and kohlrabi kraut, which was AMAZING! You need to try that one for sure!

The second new kohlrabi recipe, which has become my absolute favorite way to eat it (and maybe my new favorite ferment!) is Dilly Kohlrabi Pickles.  I think I might like them better than regular pickles!  I even have been putting them on burgers.

Does the topic of fermenting baffle you?  We created a Fermenting eCourse just for you and when you sign up, we will send you a Quick Start Guide!  Grab the eCourse and the guide here!

Next time you see kohlrabi at the market, give this recipe a try!

Fermented Dilly Kohlrabi Pickles


  • kohlrabi bulbs 2-3, peeled and chopped into chunks
  • several sprigs of fresh dill
  • 2 cloves peeled garlic optional
  • handful peppercorns optional
  • 1/2 tsp culture starter OR 1/4 cup whey
  • 2 tsp good sea salt
  • filtered water room temperature


  • Place kohlrabi, dill, garlic and peppercorns into quart size mason jar.
  • Add 2 tsp sea salt
  • Add culture starter or whey
  • Fill with filtered water, leaving 1 inch head space. Be sure the kohlrabi is BELOW the water level, using a weight if necessary.
  • Screw lid on firmly.
  • Leave on counter at room temp for 5-7 days.
  • Transfer to cold storage (refrigerator). Will last for 6+ months.
  • Enjoy!

Do you eat kohlrabi?  What is your favorite way to prepare it?

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Fermented Dilly Kohlrabi Pickles - www.ohlardy.com




Photo Credit from Mercedes

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    1. Yes. Just use the same recipe with more salt (a tbsp or two). I prefer a controlled ferment which is why I use a starter. But most veggies can be fermented in a ‘wild’ manner with more salt!

  1. These look delicious, I’ve never personally tried Kohlrabi pickles before, but I can’t imagine they are that far off if they are being flavored with dill! Thank you for sharing, how long do these last in the fridge?

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