Top Tips for a Healthy and Stress Free Year – Online
Top Tips for a Healthy and Stress Free Year – Online
Live event on Facebook:
Live event on Facebook:
Curious about essential oils? Want to get a Zyto scan and learn what products your body needs to bring it back into balance? I am having a super casual open house, Sunday October 14 1 pm - 4 pm so come on by! You can sniff my oils, check out new convention products and makeup...
RSVP HERE: Your Young Living account gives you a member number that you can use to share Young Living with others...and earn some money too!! Many people share casually with a few friends and some take it to the next level and build a life changing business! Are you currently sharing Young Living with others?...
Who is ready for a class about EMOTIONS?! Emotions can be difficult and even scary. It is so much easier to suppress emotions than to recognize, feel, and process them. However, the ability to recognize, feel, process, and release emotions will enable you to function in a more positive and successful state so you can...
This is open to 8 people. Please rsvp: This will be a fun evening...full of education and pampering! This is limited to 8 people, so secure your spot!! We will talk about some of the dangers of many products used in the cosmetic industry and things you should look for when selecting cosmetics! The...
Who is ready for a class about EMOTIONS?! What if you could use some simple tools to process your emotions in REAL time, so they don’t become giant grenades ready to burst at any time? What if you could help your children and loved ones to process their emotions in a healthy and effective way?...