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How to use a Fermenting Crock – An Update!

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how to use a fermenting crock - an update - ohlardy.com

Two weeks ago, I wrote a post on how to use a fermenting crock.  In case you have been wondering how things are going, its your lucky day!!  I was a good girl and followed the instructions to not even peek for two weeks.  I waited very patiently and on Saturday I finally got to look AND taste!

When I opened the lid, I noticed lots of good bubbles.  You can see the bubbles that kind of look like foam in the picture above.  Opening the lid also revealed a pleasant sauerkraut smell, so I knew things were working as they should.  The sauerkraut was still submerged in the brine, held down by the handy weights.

When I reached in to grab the weights (with clean hands of course), I was surprised at how warm the brine was.  Heat is a by-product of fermenting, so I shouldn't have been too surprised!  It wasn't REALLY warm, just slightly warmer than room temperature.

I stuck my fork in to grab a taste!  It was nice and crunchy, but not quite sour enough.  It definitely tastes like sauerkraut, but it isn't ready.  I was bummed that I have to wait a bit longer.  I put the lid on and replaced some of the water in the air lock trough.  Now I wait until next weekend, when I will sample again.

If I am a betting gal (which I sometimes am), I am thinking that this kraut will need two more weeks to be excellent.  We could eat it now, but I think time will do the kraut some good here.

In the meantime, we wait patiently and perhaps start planning to have brats and reuben sandwiches on the menu!

Does the topic of fermenting baffle you?  We created a Fermenting eCourse just for you and when you sign up, we will send you a Quick Start Guide!  Grab the eCourse and the guide here!

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how to use a fermenting crock - an update - ohlardy.com


  1. WHERE do I buy a fermenting crock???? I live in British Columbia, Canada. I see that Ace Hardware has crocks in the states, but not in Canada. Any ideas???
    Thanks so much!

    1. If you’re still looking for fermenting crocks, Home Hardware carries them, special order but usually within a week. 2, 3, 5 and 10 gal ones and they have the lids for 2, 3, and 5gal crocks. No weight stones available though.

  2. I have read where you must let your sauerkraut ferment for eight weeks to fully get the most probiotics. I do tjis and really like the tadte of my sauerkraut. Hope tjis is helpful for you.

  3. I use a 5 gal. ice cream holder, rough cut the cabbage up in a food processor, salt sprinkle layers every quarter of a head, three heads per batch, cover the mix with the large cabbage leaves and weight and wait one month. While I’m waiting I remove the crud off the top every two days with a spoon. Voila!

  4. I made sauerkraut for the first time in an antique 2 gal ceramic crock (used for pickles too). I used about a 2 tablespoons of salt on about 5-6 lbs of grated cabbage, pounded it in the crock and used a BPA free bag filled with salted water to weight the cabbage under the juice. After 3 days a brown damp film formed on the outside of the crock. Inside still looks ok. Is this normal?

    1. Pam, you ‘could’ can the sauerkraut but then you would be killing all the beneficial bacteria and make it a dead product. Eating the raw, living, naturally fermented sauerkraut is the best way to get the benefits!

    2. Pam, if you are asking if you can put the kraut in jars after it is done fermenting in the crock, then yes. I put my kraut in mason jars and transfer to the fridge.

  5. I have had the best results with flavor of my sauerkraut leaving it to ferment for 6 weeks. I do not open for 6 weeks from the day I start it. It has the most amazing flavor ever and crunchy and squeaks when you chew it.
    After 6 weeks I place in the fridge, and even in the fridge it keeps fermenting and getting better each day.

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