Day 8 – Income Producing Activities

Day 8 – Income Producing Activities

 The 3 Stats for Growth

ER %
This is the foundation of our business! The more people on essential rewards the better your team growth. The more people you are impacted with the products and business opportunity! Having an ER % of 35-40% is amazing.

% Enroller
You want to know if YOUR team is enrolling people. The higher the number, the more people on your team are duplicating! 7% is the magic number!

Average PV Per Ordering Member
This stat is great for you to see how much your ordering members are spending each month. You can work on incentives or promotions to help increase this amount. A great PV per member is around 140-150 PV

It’s easy for leaders (new and old) to get bogged down in getting business cards, setting up a website, picking a team name etc. And then before you know it your team isn’t growing as fast as it was and your checks aren’t as much as you’d like it to be. Why? Because you haven’t been focusing on IPAs that have a direct impact on the amount of your paycheck!

Income Producing Activities (IPAs)

Increase New Member Enrollments

  • Share a story of how an oil or YL product has helped you on your social media
  • Schedule 3-4 classes on your calendar
  • Set up 1:1s with friends
  • Invite people to a class (be sure to do this 3-4 days before your class too)
  • Teach a class
  • Enroll a new member
  • Follow up with friends who haven’t taken the oily leap yet
  • Offer an incentive to those who haven’t enrolled yet to encourage them to get started

Increase ER Enrollments / Overall Orders

  • Help a member enroll on Essential Rewards
  • Teach members about products (FB live videos, in-person classes, care calls, etc.)
  • Run a report in the Virtual Office to see who’s placed a quick order and reach out to them to tell them they’re missing out on ER points
  • Run a report in the Virtual Office to see who’s close to 100, 190, 250, 300 PV and reach out to those members to let them know they’re missing out on the monthly promos
  • Check your downline view for unprocessed ER orders and help members get them processed

Find New Business Leaders

  • Teach a member how to enroll someone on their team
    Share a story of how YL has given you time or financial freedom (even getting your oils paid for) on your social media
  • Give people a copy of the 4 Year Career or 4 Year Career for Women
  • IPAs are always important, but they are especially important when your business is new or really in a phase of hustle! The very best thing you can do for your business is to focus on the income producing activities above.

Business cards, websites, setting up the perfect planner, organizing your office – all of those things are nice but it’s important to realize that they are taking away valuable time from activities that have a direct and immediate impact on your paycheck. Cut out the fluff while you are hustling to grow your business and focus on those IPAs.

PRINT OUT this list of IPAs.  Keep it on hand each month!


CHALLENGE. Power Hour. Take the next hour to concentrate only on IPA’s. Go!


  • Text, email, FB message or Marco Polo (voice or text), call people!
  • Share a story of how an oil or YL product has helped you on your social media
  • Schedule 3-4 classes on your calendar, if they are your jam!
  • Invite people to a class (be sure to do this 3-4 days before your class too)
  • Set up 1:1s with friends
  • Enroll a new member
  • Follow up with friends who haven’t taken the oily leap yet
  • Offer an incentive to those who haven’t enrolled yet to encourage them to get started
  • Help a member enroll on Essential Rewards

Think about and write in your journal…
1) What IPAs are you working on this week?
2) When is your next class or 1 on 1 is scheduled.
3) Did you Power Hour? How did it make YOU feel to concentrate on IPAs for the last hour?

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Income Disclosure:


Day 9 – Success Accelerators