Learn About the Promo
Are You…
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- Choosing to put more effort into product education, but not finding the time?
- Looking for ways to boost your OGV?
- Searching for creative ways to highlight the monthly Young Living Promos?
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- Looking to get more people onto Essential Rewards?
- Working on more interaction in your Facebook group, especially when it comes to product usage?
- Curious about how do all of these things with little time and effort commitment?
The Learn About the Promo service will help you do all of these things and so much more!
For the longest time we didn't put too much effort into product education. However, when we made that shift and started sharing about how to use all of the awesome Young Living products, naturally, we saw a boost in OGV.
One of the things we implemented was heavily promoting and educating on the products highlighted in the monthly Young Living promotion. We share 5 or 6 posts on each promotional product (30 posts) that highlights everything from fun facts, usage tips, recipes, as well as information about the promo itself and links back to various promos within our group.
Each post contains FDA compliant education about the product, how many points they can earn at that promo level for each ER earning percentage, as well as the value of all of the products included in that particular promo level. There will be a space to share links to the current promotion in your own facebook group as well as a place to link to any promotions you are running within your own team.
For just $5/month you will get access to 30 curated posts about the monthly promotion from Young Living to share within your own Facebook group.
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Some benefits within this group:
- Promo education! Surprisingly, some members don’t know there are promos! They aren’t aware of the promo levels!
- Product education! Not only will your members learn about how to use the products in the promo, they also may be encouraged to reach new promo levels to get the free product!
- Highlight Essential Rewards! Some of our promos are ER ONLY! Plus, when they see how many points they will be earning at each level – most don’t want to miss out!
- Highlight your own promos! With a link to your unique promo showing up every day, will encourage members to participate! For example, “Have you seen our EPIC giveaway this month? Check it out here: link” or “When you join ER for the first time this month, don’t forget to enter our raffle: link)”
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What’s Included:
Access to the Learn About the Promo Facebook group. Each month you will have 30 curated posts with images to share in within your own teams.
Regular price is $5.00/month
Join Us!
Step 1
Purchase your subscription here:
Step 2
Fill out this Google Form here
Google Form
Step 3
Request access to the Facebook Group here:
Facebook Group
What People Are Saying:
“I am a platinum leader and I LOVE this service. It allows me to offer consistent, valuable information all month long in a way that my own personality can't seem to get it together! I love that I can schedule everything at the beginning of the month and I have gotten amazing feedback from my team!” – Kirsten McCormick
“I'm a gold leader and I love learn the promo! The content is curated beautifully and so easy to schedule into my group. In the past year since using learn the promo, my er % has gone from 37% to 43%. I know that providing value about the promo items is a big part of why more of my members are jumping on er and staying on it. It's a great investment for your business!” – Ashlee Jacobs
“I love the Learn the Promo group! It’s an insanely affordable way for me to know that I am sharing the best possible, compliant, information about the monthly promos without having to do all of the research myself. This frees my time to focus on my testimonials which is awesome. Thank you Kelly and Tamara!” – Kimberly Bernstein
“I’m a platinum leader and this has made life so much easier for me! I think it’s so important to educate our members on our incredible products, and doing this with the promos for the month is an easy and effective way to teach our members about our amazing oils and supplements. Plus, we are constantly reminding them about the awesome promos!! Everything Kelly writes about the promos is excellent.” – Jennifer Gilcrease
“I am a gold leader and i LOVE THIS SERVICE! For $5 i get info about our products that i don’t have to find myself??? Yes PLEASE!! This service makes it very easy for me to schedule out posts in my group that are educating my members with little effort on my part and that’s invaluable to me at the beginning of each month! And the learn the promo Facebook group is a great place to go back in all of the previous months and grab some info again when you just need a little more education to shoot out to your team because there is never a bad time to educate on any of our awesome products! Thank you for having this available for us Kelly!!!!” – Jamee Good
“I'm a wife, business partner to my amazing husband, we own two other businesses besides sharing our love for YL, I'm a mama of 7, I'm a silver in YL. I love this because I love to work smarter not harder. It has brought value to my FB group. Our team has enjoyed sharing how they use the products and I love to see how they are using them!!” – Caren Smith
“I'm a gold leader and I love this service. It makes my life easier and the education of my team easier with click and post! And in love the addition of emojis because honestly I hate them and forget to use them but people and fb algorithms love them! I am getting better at scheduling them out to take full avantage! But its a great service for such a minimal price its perfect! Thanks so much for putting it together for us.” – Alison Van Horn
“I'm a Platinum leader and I love having this resource at the first of the month. It sets me up for success knowing that I can take 45 minutes to schedule a whole month of daily posts so my group can count on consistently receiving interesting and helpful information. I'm also using our group photo albums to create Oil, Supplement and Product Line Libraries so they have all the info they need at their fingertips!” – Erica Johnson
“I'm a Gold Leader and this has literally been one of the best investments for my business! Sure, I'm super creative. Sure, I love to create and research things to death #helloimagreen but that doesn't mean I always have the time to. Having these guys, that I trust, to do that work and I can grab and share has saved me invaluable amounts of time as I work my way to Platinum! Not only that, by sharing with my team, I am showing them solid examples of compliance and how to explain what our products do! #winwin for everyone!” – Cheri Ricciardi
“I am a Platinum leader and we love using this awesome info with our team!! Our product group supports my mom's Diamond level team so over 12000 people can see the value in the promotion and what it means to be on Essential Rewards. Kelly is doing an amazing service to Team YL because she educates even our newest members with the best insights of the Young Living lifestyle!!” – Angela Lahman
“I am a Gold Leader and I love Learn about the promo, for me it has taken the TIME out of me doing the research on the oil compliantly! I love that this service is only $5 a month, and having education posts to post in our group! Being able to schedule the post on Facebook with ease at the beginning of the month is awesome! Thank you Kelly for saving me TIME! ” – Cindy D.
“I'm a Platinum leader and CONSISTENT education around the monthly promos has always been my kryptonite. ? I start off strong and then fade out toward the end of the month. This amazing service keeps me consistent and on the top of my game, providing incredible value to our community with EDUCATION they can USE and practically apply each month! Best $5 a month I've ever spent! PLUS, the new emoji additions got me like ????! Thank you Kelly and Tamara! ???” – Kristen Boucher
Do you still have questions?
Please contact us at [email protected]
We would love to hear from you!