Phoenix Resources
- CSAs for the Greater Phoenix Area
- Chow Locally: Chow Locally is an online marketplace that allows you to easily access the freshest seasonal foods grown by local ranchers and farmers.
- Farmer's Markets for the Greater Phoenix Area and in Central Phoenix
- Save Your Dairy: the local source for fresh milk
- Doublecheck Ranch: Kelly buys her grass-fed beef here as well as her pastured chickens. This happens to be Kelly's favorite, however they are not the only grass-fed beef source in Arizona.
- Absolutely Delightful Honey: You can find this honey at most Farmer's Markets
- Healthy Habit is a health food store located in Central Phoenix
- The Meat Shop: This is a local butcher and all of their meat comes from local farms, does not receive antibiotics or growth hormones, and is humanely raised. Great shop!