Friday Happy Hour #3
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Welcome to Friday Happy Hour! Check out all of the interesting things Kelly and Tamara found this week. Grab a glass of your favorite beverage, enjoy and cheers!
- I hope you read our post regarding the Stanford Study regarding organic and conventional foods' nutrition levels. For more opinions check out: Robyn Obrien, Marion Nestle and Michael Pollan.
- What is your relationship with nature? In this article, Chris Kresser talks about how important it is to get outside, in addition to eating healthy diet and exercising regularly. He talks about how our relationship with nature has transformed into a relationship with technology. Some even say our children are suffering from ‘nature deficit'. Interesting article! Makes me want to go on a long walk!
- Have you ever checked Underground Wellness? Sean Croxton interviews almost everyone who is anyone in the real food, natural living and wellness world. There are podcasts, a blog, you tube videos. Check it out! I listen to his podcasts quite regularly. Great stuff and really goes across the board, touching every subject and theory out there.
- I found this link on Butter Believer‘s monthly round up where she features interesting finds! (Sounds like Friday Happy Hour!). In this post, Jenna at Food With Kid Appeal details all the things that are unhealthy about many snacks geared for children. Then she outlines numerous healthy options that all kids will enjoy! It doesn't always have to be goldfish crackers!
- Perusing Kelly the Kitchen Kop's Monday Morning Mixup, I came upon this post from Nourishing Roots. Does sleeping keep us skinny? Great read! Now, to get some sleep! 😉
thanks for the mention! i do believe that if enough parents believe they can make a difference in the food culture at their school, the food can shift to be more nourishing for students.